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Ray Horan
- A 03 061995 54 17 A -

Ray Horan

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Messages : 38

Le Comparazor. - Page 18 Empty Re: Le Comparazor.

Dim 28 Jan 2018, 20:57

Hilde accepte... ê//e

"Ray et Zeev se tripotent sous la douche."

Je n'ai aucun commentaire à fairejnkery,ntgfdxw

Le Comparazor. - Page 18 2f46e3ec18eb072968f66702d8ea8fc1
«  Je t'embête pas plus longtemps, chacun ses soucis ;
J'imagine que t'as la vie bien remplie.
C'est sûr que t'as déjà de la compagnie -
Je comprendrai, t'inquiète, si tu m'oublies. »

Ce que tu feras demain :

Delphine Maurier
- A 03 091871 45 00 D -

Delphine Maurier

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Dim 28 Jan 2018, 21:51


"Cecilia a moins de valeurs que Ray."


Le Comparazor. - Page 18 190109022835274485

It took up my house:



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Le Comparazor. - Page 18 Empty Re: Le Comparazor.

Mer 31 Jan 2018, 18:39

"C'est super efficace" non mais-

Cecilia passe Agnes à la casserole.
Le Comparazor. - Page 18 3216365415

Axel Merec'h
- C 10 092010 70 03 C -

Axel Merec'h

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Mer 14 Fév 2018, 15:59

"Axel habite dans un carton offert par Agnes."


Le Comparazor. - Page 18 Cd185b4edd2ef7925805127e8813ce3c
« Close my eyes and then cross my arms,
Put me in the dirt, let me dream with the stars.
Throw me in a box with the oxygen off ;
You gave me the key then you locked every lock.
When I can't breathe, I won't ask you to stop -
When I can't breathe, don't call for a cop.
I was naive and hopeful and lost ;
Now I'm aware and trapped in my thoughts. »

I'd like to be proud, but somehow I'm ashamed :



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Le Comparazor. - Page 18 Empty Re: Le Comparazor.

Jeu 15 Fév 2018, 17:24

Ah bah oui Agnes pense toujours à son prochain

Souvent les gens crachent sur Agnes, mais n'oubliez pas qu'il y a Axel !
Sur qui cracher ?

Maksym Savchenko
- S 05 032050 41 17 D -

Maksym Savchenko

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Sam 17 Fév 2018, 05:19

C'est mal de cracher sur les gens :///

"Agnes n'aime pas Maksym, et c'est réciproque."

Ok, ça c'est f/PLEURE/

Le Comparazor. - Page 18 Fc21b28f3ecd90713dd1ab151db50127

Give me tough love and a lesson to learn:

Delhan L. Marshall
- S 10 092285 74 12 C -

Delhan L. Marshall

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Pseudo : Sköll.
Messages : 484

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Sam 17 Fév 2018, 14:54

Dès le bac à sable, Maksym victimisait Delhan

Oh oui Le Comparazor. - Page 18 3212372723

Maksym Savchenko
- S 05 032050 41 17 D -

Maksym Savchenko

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Sam 17 Fév 2018, 16:07

Il lui mettait la tête dans le sable Le Comparazor. - Page 18 3212372723

"Delhan a un sabre laser, Maksym une branche d'arbre."


Le Comparazor. - Page 18 Fc21b28f3ecd90713dd1ab151db50127

Give me tough love and a lesson to learn:

Axel Merec'h
- C 10 092010 70 03 C -

Axel Merec'h

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Sam 17 Fév 2018, 17:01


"Axel est attiré par la sœur de Maksym."

... Genre. Mikha ? Bien sûr qu'il est attiré par Mik/EXPLOSE/

Le Comparazor. - Page 18 Cd185b4edd2ef7925805127e8813ce3c
« Close my eyes and then cross my arms,
Put me in the dirt, let me dream with the stars.
Throw me in a box with the oxygen off ;
You gave me the key then you locked every lock.
When I can't breathe, I won't ask you to stop -
When I can't breathe, don't call for a cop.
I was naive and hopeful and lost ;
Now I'm aware and trapped in my thoughts. »

I'd like to be proud, but somehow I'm ashamed :



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Le Comparazor. - Page 18 Empty Re: Le Comparazor.

Mer 21 Fév 2018, 23:16

Axel n'est jamais content des idées de Agnes.
Elle fait de son mieux D:

Elinor Tenley
- D 00 021950 37 00 B -

Elinor Tenley

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Lun 05 Mar 2018, 17:39

"Elinor voudrait partager sa brioche avec Agnes. "

Elinor est généreuse comme ça. Le Comparazor. - Page 18 1614271194

Le Comparazor. - Page 18 170429054820803517

My walls are getting wider and my eyes are drawn astray,
I see you now a vague deception of a dying day.
Oh why ?
I fall into the water and once more I turn to you,
and the crowds were standing staring faceless cutting off my view to you.
They start to limply flail their bodies in a twisted mime,
And I'm lost inside this tangled web in which I'm lain entwined.

It was all for love so love is to blame:



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Le Comparazor. - Page 18 Empty Re: Le Comparazor.

Mar 06 Mar 2018, 00:13

Ça veut pas dire qu'elle va se faire guillotiner ou un truc comme ça-

Elinor se fait mouliner par Agnes.
... mouliner ?

Kenneth Anderson
- A 03 082013 47 07 A -

Kenneth Anderson

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Dim 01 Avr 2018, 20:21


"Kenneth est craquant, Agnes dégoutant ! "

Surtout avec ce visage, ou/EXPLOSE/

Le Comparazor. - Page 18 C050ad21868fd92e7a5ef600d405d2d4
« Nestled in the lonely spaces,
In the dark, the demons come.
A silent voice that screams inside your head
"Don't forget what you've learned". »

But I needed one more touch :

Olive Plummer
- D 05 122015 21 04 D -

Olive Plummer

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Dim 01 Avr 2018, 22:33

"Olive a gardé la ligne alors que Kenneth a pris 30 kilos !"

Il veut la recette de son régime ? Le Comparazor. - Page 18 3212372723

Le Comparazor. - Page 18 Ea299e2765b3c3df84ba4f1242d6314d

I win every single game:



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Le Comparazor. - Page 18 Empty Re: Le Comparazor.

Lun 02 Avr 2018, 02:37

Olive et Agnes pourraient conquérir le monde !

Avec Agnes c'est mal parti, mais ça se tente

Mariska Kovács
- D 05 052055 43 02 D -

Mariska Kovács

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Ven 29 Mar 2019, 19:53

"Mariska est sous bonne escorte pour venir à bout de Agnes."

Quelle escorte.

Le Comparazor. - Page 18 160305094339742543

Who would have thought it would end up like this ?:

Delhan L. Marshall
- S 10 092285 74 12 C -

Delhan L. Marshall

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Pseudo : Sköll.
Messages : 484

Le Comparazor. - Page 18 Empty Re: Le Comparazor.

Ven 29 Mar 2019, 20:17

Quelle escort.

Imaginez un combat nu au corps à corps entre Delhan et Mariska...

J'en ai avalé mon âme.

Ajay Khandaar
- D 05 082037 40 02 D -

Ajay Khandaar

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Ven 29 Mar 2019, 22:49

"Ajay a balancé Delhan à la police !"

Et personne n'ira s'en plaind/BRIQUE/

Le Comparazor. - Page 18 B82a484692a61e1a09cbbb4d2e515bce
« After the moment passes and the impulse disappears,
You can still hold back, because you don't crack very easily.
It's a time honored resolution, because the danger is always near ;
It's with you now, but that ain't how it was supposed to be.
And it's hard to believe after all these years,
That it still gives you pain and it still brings tears.
And you feel like a fool,
Because it's part of your rules ;

You've got a memory. »

Some things unknown are best left alone forever :

Delphine Maurier
- A 03 091871 45 00 D -

Delphine Maurier

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Messages : 33

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Mer 17 Avr 2019, 00:56

Mariska défonce Delhan. ET HABILLÉE

(good job Ajay)

"Contrairement à Delphine, Ajay sait prendre des risques."

..... :///

Le Comparazor. - Page 18 190109022835274485

It took up my house:

Axel Merec'h
- C 10 092010 70 03 C -

Axel Merec'h

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Pseudo : Nii'
Messages : 79

Le Comparazor. - Page 18 Empty Re: Le Comparazor.

Sam 04 Mai 2019, 17:02


"Delphine semble plus froid que Axel aux premiers abords."

M'est avis que c'est fort probable, en effet.

Le Comparazor. - Page 18 Cd185b4edd2ef7925805127e8813ce3c
« Close my eyes and then cross my arms,
Put me in the dirt, let me dream with the stars.
Throw me in a box with the oxygen off ;
You gave me the key then you locked every lock.
When I can't breathe, I won't ask you to stop -
When I can't breathe, don't call for a cop.
I was naive and hopeful and lost ;
Now I'm aware and trapped in my thoughts. »

I'd like to be proud, but somehow I'm ashamed :

Delphine Maurier
- A 03 091871 45 00 D -

Delphine Maurier

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Pseudo : Never.
Messages : 33

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Ven 10 Mai 2019, 01:42

Elle le zut, elle est chaude comme le fuego.

"Delphine et Axel se tripotent sous la douche."

Juste nofdkoflghmj

Le Comparazor. - Page 18 190109022835274485

It took up my house:

- 00 ΜαAS 52 ○× QP -


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Dim 12 Mai 2019, 14:31

Wooow, Delphine... >///>

"Bubulle force Delphine a porter le voile."

AH. C'est embarrassant. /:

Le Comparazor. - Page 18 99c0bf63db8c04971d0ba92cb58d867d
« And if it makes you less sad, I'll take your pictures all down ;
Every picture you paint, I will paint myself out.
It's cold as a tomb, and it's dark in your room,
When I sneak to your bed to pour salt in your wounds.
So call it quits, or get a grip ;
You say you wanted a solution?
You just wanted to be missed. »

It is clear :

Élisée de La Bruyère
- A 09 081927 14 02 A -

Élisée de La Bruyère

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Lun 13 Mai 2019, 16:44

... wtf, elle refuse ://
Elle préfère tripoter Axel sous la dou/PAN/

"Élisée remporterait une élection face à Bubulle."


ÉLISÉE PRÉSIDENTE Le Comparazor. - Page 18 3212372723 Le Comparazor. - Page 18 3005761276

Le Comparazor. - Page 18 190621012256278711
Fly away, meadowlark.
Fly away in the silver morning.
If I stay, I'll grow to curse the dark,
So it's off where the days won't bind me.
I know I leave wounds behind me,
But I won't let tomorrow find me
Back this way.

Before my past once again can blind me,
Fly away.

And we won't wait to say goodbye,
My beautiful young man and I.

Mourir d'un amour qui ose éviter les roses:

Dorothy Taylor
- D 00 062024 46 01 B -

Dorothy Taylor

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Dim 19 Mai 2019, 23:17

////: NON
Enfin j'espère que oui, vu la différence de charisme et d'intelligence, mais en même temptrhfgfc

"Dorothy admire secrètement Élisée."

..... CvC oh Dottie please dont
enfin dans un sens je peux voir pourquoi elle l'admirerait, mais ça reste un choix de vie plus que discutable

Le Comparazor. - Page 18 4c12366c29653948521d2bc0439d49d7
« I was raised on country sunshine, I'm happy with the simple things ;
A Saturday night dance, a picture show and the joy that a bluebird brings.
I love you, please believe me, I won't want you to ever leave me -
But I was raised on country sunshine ;
There's just something 'bout the morning that make each day a joy to see.
The nighttime brings a peaceful feeling that rests inside of me. »

I don't wanna just be fine :

Remy Dawson
- D 00 062038 40 02 C -

Remy Dawson

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Dim 26 Mai 2019, 22:05

Mais non, admirer Élisée est safe. C'est une femme bien.

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"Dorothy et Remy sont les meilleurs amis du monde."

Un peu d'amour dans ce monde de brute. B'(

Le Comparazor. - Page 18 190109092415144768

Well this is your story and it all depends:

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